The Strange Bedfellows are a short and long form improv group from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. They perform bi-weekly at the campus coffee shop, the Ronj.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

What's this? "Web?"

You kids and your new-foozled whats-its. Back in my day, we shared our mundane, daily lives with each other by depicting them on elaborate wooden reliefs, each carved with the most delicate craftsmanship. Pine was the standard wood base for a dlog (which is what we called them, a shortening of "woodlog"). Among those who were savvy, however, the wood of choice was teak.

But I shall endeavor to make use of this neue-fangled snag-jobber. I promise to keep posting regularly if other peolpe do. Pinky swear? Good.

Till our next rehearsal. Oh yeah, I mean 45 MINUTES!!!!!!



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