The Strange Bedfellows are a short and long form improv group from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. They perform bi-weekly at the campus coffee shop, the Ronj.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

New Recruits: Robots

BBC NEWS | Technology | Four robotic racers cross desert

Remember those robots that fought in the first Star Wars prequals? You don't, because that movie was horrible... Well then it looks like our wars are going to be fought by robots in the future, noone is ever going to have to wonder through Iraq with a gun again. Johnny-5 will be out there killing all the terrorists. Believe it. It is going to be a reality before we know it.


Blogger Laoora said...

It scares me something awful that, in the future, Strange Bedfellows will be replaced by robots. ::shudder::
-Laura B.

2:15 PM


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