The Strange Bedfellows are a short and long form improv group from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. They perform bi-weekly at the campus coffee shop, the Ronj.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

I'm Bitter, But You're Just Mean (Battle Royal Still On)

Jeeze for someone that doesn't even care about sports, you can be quite a %!^& about Syracuse losing. I admit defeat and the fact that I am bitter as hell(I feel the need to sensor the other word, but I can say hell). This said I feel that people should lay off and let people deal with defeat however they may. Me for instance I got really drunk and then danced off my anger at the Purim Party(Thanks Jews!!). And now that W. Virginia won all I have to say is, "GANSEY!!!"

Other than that little rant STRANGE BEDFELLOWS VS. MANIC OPTIMISTS is still on. The ManOps will go on at 9:30 and the Bedfellows will come on shortly after. So get there a little early to hear some music and drink some coffee.


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