The Strange Bedfellows are a short and long form improv group from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. They perform bi-weekly at the campus coffee shop, the Ronj.

Monday, March 21, 2005

On the Australian Sense of Humor

It's kind of like a drunk version of the British sense of humor. They enjoy "My Wife and Kids", a short lived sitcom in America starring Damon Wayans and Trisha Campbell (last seen as Martin Lawrence's girlfriend in "Martin"), as well as "America's Funniest Home Videos" (which reminds me: destroy Bob Sagat). They also seem to enjoy singing songs on the bus to and from downtown with lyrics like:

I wish all the ladies,
were bells in the tower.
And I was bellman,
I'd bang 'em on the hour.

Very funny stuff...8 years ago.
Great weather though.


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