The Strange Bedfellows are a short and long form improv group from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. They perform bi-weekly at the campus coffee shop, the Ronj.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Have a cow, this Sunday.

We're having a show this Sunday, Jan. 28th, at 9 pm in Gannett Theater (basement of Pettigrew)! You'll feel so good, you might just go live the remainder of your days on a Happy Farm.

Come watch us be silly,
The Strange Bedfellows

Monday, January 22, 2007

"Next Saturday night, we're sending you back... to the future!"

Admittedly that title has little to nothing to do with the subject of this post. Besides the fact that I included the word "future". And the fact that I was in love with Michael J. Fox as a youngster. What an amazing film series.

The new year is upon us! And with that knowledge, Ye Olde Bedfellows have been striving to fulfill some New Year's comedy resolutions.

1. Long Form. In the light. In the dark. Wherever. Whenever. Forever.

2. New website soon!

3. Taking the Trey Vag and their phat beatz global.

4. We're in the beginning stages of filming an improv mockumentary movie about the art of dance.

5. Each Bedfellow has written a heart-wrenching letter to The Learning Channel, begging for a full group makeover on "Ten Years Younger".

6. We're learning how to count, also, so we can make longer numbered lists of things we want to do. Six is our max, as of now.

ABOVE are a few photos from a pre-break shoot, entitled "Do some good this holiday season... bang a thesis student". Lily used her ability to GET around to spread... joy... around, during finals period.

We're shooting for a show this Sunday (1/28) at 9pm in the Ronj. Updates on that soon.

Los Amigos de Cama Extranos